Sort daily Actions in reminder time order.
darrin horn
Rather than having to manually reorder every actions each morning, I would like to see them in the time order that they occur. at the moment, when you complete a daily action, it is added at the start of the next day so it is in reverse order.
Alex Louden
Alex Louden
Merged in a post:
chronologically show up as list not as i typed
Louie Francesco
i have autism and i’m loving this app, as it remind me from teeth brushing time, and work time. However, it’s showing up as what i typed in, i would like to auto-reorganize so that morning tasks by time is on top rather than night task, when i look at today’s list.
Thank you,
Alex Louden
Merged in a post:
Display reminder time
Would like the actions to show what time a reminder has been set without having to open up the action to view details, in this way can sort actions in order of time. Ideally would like the app to sort automatically by time as well as display the reminder time.
Alex Louden
Alex Louden
Alex Louden
Alex Louden
Merged in a post:
sorting / prioritizing of actions
It would be nice if there was an additional option to sort by „time remaining till deadline“ or „next action scheduled to be done“ or something like that e.g. action closesed to deadline to farthest from deadline (also taking into account that some actions may have set dates to work on them before the deadline), actions without deadlines.
This is also important when you sort by priority (fire and ice icon). When someone sorts by priority the app should rank actions that are marked with the fire icon and have a deadline or set date to work on them higher that actions that are marked with the fire icon but don't have a deadline or set date to work on them (same for the ice and neutral).
The sorting options the app has right now do not sort in that way and sometimes sort actions without deadlines above actions that do have deadlines which is a little inconvenient.
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