Jake Underwood
Jake Underwood
Hi, everyone! Good news--Actions for Android is now available! You can download it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moleskine.actions.release
If you have any questions about the app, please don't hesitate to email us at actions@moleskinestudio.com. We hope you enjoy it!
Travis Atkinson
I'd love to Beta test this product.
Fidel Augusto
I'm really interested in testing Actions on Android!
Eric B.
Hello from France. Can you add me for beta test please?
Johanna Alumbro
I have a subscription for the iOS app for the iPad but I have an android phone so I would love to test it out on my android phone
Marco Bosse
I would be happy to be a tester of Actions for android
Duilio ดุ๋ย Dottarelli
Hi ... beta tester from Asia is here 😀
Quân Hoàng
Pixel power user reporting for beta. I had to cancel my subscription because it couldn't sync or work on Android.
Greg C
I'm interested in beta testing this app.
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