Make Action Cards Adjustable Size
I totally agree. The large size of the bars makes it impossible to get an intuitive overview of the remaining tasks, and to prioritise. The large size of the bars is the only thing keeping me from subscribing to Actions.
Alex Guglielmino
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Lists boxes size
daniel tellez
the lists should be able to be seen in a single view, the size of the boxes should be reduced.
Alex Guglielmino
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Frame size
Rodrigo Cordeiro
Option to decrease the size of the task board
Alex Guglielmino
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Option for Smaller Task Size
Marshall Anderson
An option to see more actions or less actions on the main screen would be helpful especially if a lot of tasks are scheduled for one day.
Alex Guglielmino
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Slimmer/smaller Action Cards
Hope you can give us an option for slimmer cards so that I can view more especially when I’m using it on my phone.
I agree. The action cards are currently too large, because of which the screen fits only a small number of tasks. Although I understand that this was probably a conscious design choice, it does prevent the user from getting a good overview of the tasks on his/her list. I would very much like to be able to switch to a more compact view.
This! This is one of the last things I’m waiting for Actions to add before I switch from Todoist.
Mark Yohman
Yes! As it is the action cards are much larger than Timepage integrates events when small text is used.
Bill Kitchen
I agree
H Fitz
How about making the action cards as slim as is reasonable and having them expand automatically as we enter more info? 👍
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