Insert new pages and reorder pages
Scott Haner
Upvoting this as well, have a commonplace notebook and realizing I need an additional couple pages for Index at the beginning with no option to handle that other than chaining a “Index Continued” entry in the main index to say more index on say… page 50.
Ben Matteo
Would also be geat to move pages between notebooks. Flow is becoming my go-to to jot down an idea or quick todo item. Sometimes I jot in the wrong space and want to reorganize later, need more room, or want to move a selection somewhere else- e.g. To an obsidian vault, or share via email. The way flow currently works, I need to export pages and do that work in another application. MUCH better to be able to do everything in flow.
Yep I really need to reorder the pages to better organise my content
I agree!
Please add this! Important feature for a digital notebook to have.
I was just thinking this... for storytelling purposes. How to slice/separate my ideas
Daniel Funk
100% would love to see this. I use the app for a lot of journaling and get kind of irritated that I can’t move the pages where I want.
Dean Kahremanis,
Daniel Funk: I agree, having the same issue. Need ability to reorder pages.