Tighter integration: Flow, Timepage, Actions
Laura Paglione
Notes rarely exist in a vacuum. They are usually related to something that you are working on (probably tracked in Actions) or a meeting/ event that you attended (probably existing in Timepage). Right now you can put all of these things on the same day in Timepage, but this is only marginally useful. I’d love to see
* an Action task (or even list) with all of the related Flow notes and Timepage events linked
* a meeting in Timepage linked to my related Flow notes and Actions tasks or lists. Heck, the apps even know what meeting I’m in. Why not pre-tag the notes that I’m taking at that time to the Timepage event?
* a Flow note with tags to the related Timepage events and Flow notes.
Without this integration, the notes give me little benefit over my paper notebook (except maybe the ability to search them). The power to me is in being able to make links between ideas, actions, events and the thoughts that I had in the moment that I felt were important enough to jot down in a note.
Lolu Drummond
THISSSSSSS!!! I was coming to request this very feature! I thought it already did this since they all come in a bundle and was surprised that wasn’t the case!
Lolu Drummond
The notes section of time space should have an option to go to flow and then all the notes be seen in that event. Same with actions and everything that Laura said! For example if I have a meeting in time space and I click notes it should go to flow and as I start jotting I would like to be able to directly add action items and deadlines on the side of the flow app and then find it all in the time space and action apps. Like a folder in flow should connect to a corespondent list in actions and then to an event in time space.
Steen Larsen-Ledet
This is a brilliant suggestion. Using a language that is not in scribble (apple pens handwriting recognition system) it would be great to be able to attach your personal notes to items in your calendar in Timepage and Action. I really don’t need my notes scribbled - I just like to have them attached where they belong 😁
Kate Johnson
I love ALL of these suggestions, and I have one more:
The option to select a date that’s written in flow and have it added to TimePage.
(So if you’re taking notes during a meeting, and are given a date for follow-ups etc, you don’t have to manually start fresh creating that event. It’ll have a tentative suggestion in TimePage). Maybe have the tentative suggestion appear under RSVP? Or in a separate menu link for Flow “invitations?”
Agreed. A practical application might be, say, a project with many moving parts. Make an Action for it and be able to integrate Flow notes, project docs like spreadsheets, images and PDFs, meetings from calendars, and deadlines—one place to find all the pertinent stuff for a specific project.