Combine Timepage + Actions
I'm struggling to see why these are two separate apps. I think productivity could be multiplied by these two apps being smartly combined into one. Retain visibility of Actions on calendar, Ferrer steps to creating an action, include actions into calendar events (prepare slide deck for presentation, bring projector, etc.)
I agree 100%
Yes, would like to be able to drop and drag Actions/lists into a time slot in the calendar while remaining the same color on the calendar as the card. I need the colors to focus the day/week.
I also use actions to make things that don’t need a time slot. I think we need the option to be able to drag/drop on to the calendar in TimePage while keeping the color synched.
Edward Hutter
I disagree for the simple fact that I use Actions to siphon thoughts and ideas with no relevant timeline. These would be appear out of place in a calender-type app (e.g., Timepage). For this very reason alone, I have adopted Moleskine Studio apps rather than Apple Calender or other competitors.
Jenny H
I absolutely do not agree with this! To me Actions on its own is really helpful to bring order to my life by writing lists about basically everything but without assigning it all as an action with a time and day. Anything I want actioned on a specific day I add the time to and it automatically pops into Timepage as well. If Actions disappeared as its own thing I would be devastated and end my subscription. Yes the interaction could be smoother between the two, but as just one app? Definite no.
Stefan Hattenhorst
Absolutely agree. I will use a new subscription if this ever will happen. But I don’t think so. TimePage is the best calendar App with the worst (no implementation of tasks) UX.
Matt Braunstein
They're quasi-integrated. Unfortunately, it still makes it impossible to enter a new action directly in Timepage, even though the actions show up on the days they are scheduled for. Seems a bit odd and clunky. The exact opposite of the smooth feel I get from using the app. Need to either make one app (best solution), or make it behave exactly like it is one app (interim solution).
Hey Brent, I feel exactly as you do. My workaround is to enter all my "actions" as all-day events in Timepage then assign them a time (real or imagined, up to you) once complete. Been working for me so far...
H Bould
The only reason I keep looking for other apps to use is because it’s a pain to toggle between the two apps. Having something similar to outlook where you can choose between the two on the same app would make me recommend this to everyone.
Andy Topley
Absolutely agree. I love both apps, but Timepage is the key app hear. Actions feels like an unnecessary expansion pack to a game, whereby all the features should have just been in the base game.
Timepage essentially already has most of actions implemented, just needs that final push to implement it fully.
Eduardo Ayres Soares
I agree, but I love the layout of the Actions, so having the option to shift the layout to Actions would be important to me, like two apps in one similar to Outlook App for Mac where you can see Email, Calendar, etc. Something like this? See photo.
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