Delete Recurring Events without Deleting Past
Anaïs Mutumba
Hi, I tried to delete a recurring event as it ends on the 27th June 2018. Unfortunately when checking my calendar today, it had deleted ALL past events as well as events in the future.
It took a long time to add them back in one by one.
Can you provide a feature like iCal where it distinguishes whether you are deleting all (including past) or just future events (keeping the past)?
Thank you.
Simon Burbidge
Simon Burbidge
Merged in a post:
Delete option for recurring events to persist past occurrences
Benjamin Lupton
On Google Calendar and Apple Calendar, both when deleting have the options:
- Delete this occurrence
- Delete this and future occurrences (keeping past occurrences)
- Delete all occurrences
Timepage provides option 1 and option 2. Option 1 is great when the current occurrence is cancelled, option 3 is great when you made a mistake with the creation and need to delete it all, but option 2, the missing option is great when the event has stopped recurring.
Keeping past events is great, as it maintains your event history - useful for looking back on your life.
Simon Burbidge
Simon Burbidge
in progress
This is coming in the next release 🚀
Madison Baldwin
I second this!! As a teacher who relies on a solid calendar to track lessons, this feature is a dealbreaker for me. If your app would update this, this is easily my fave calendar app I’ve ever used. However, if this continues to be unavailable, I will have to find a new calendar app. I really want this one to work though, so I’m sticking it out a bit longer hoping this will be corrected!
Arjuna Parakrama
I agree that the ability to delete future events without affecting past ones is very useful and important.
Kim Patten
Yes!!! Please!!! Need to keep record of past events while deleting future events. PLEASE!
I can only applaud this request. An absolute must!
Sergio Peláez
Yes!!! I need a lot, I don’t understand why Moleskine didn’t make this feature!!!
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