Google Maps rather than apple maps when adding location to events
Stephen Farrugia
At the moment the app only offers the possibility to search for locations via apple maps when adding a location to an event. Unfortunately apple maps is not so good in my country. Is it possible to have an option to use google maps when searching for location (adding an event not directions)
Frank Hughes
Yes Google maps is better in most countries and would be great to have options
Apple Maps is lousy, I would quit TimePage if it continues to use Apple Maps instead of Google Maps. Please do it the soonest!
Apple maps is by far my preferred! So if i could vote down this idea i would 😁
if it ever happen, an option to choose the one is a must :)
Ken Khuzae
Same thing in Dubai. This maps situations is so annoying that it was one of the main reasons I moved
Need searing and adding via Google maps, please! Apple maps is horrible.
Please default google maps!
Oh my goodness yes! Apple maps are awful!! Please default google maps
Alex Guglielmino
Merged in a post:
Google maps preview instead of Apple maps
When a different navigation app is chosen the route button correctly goes to this app.
The location preview is however always from apple maps and for some events the location is displayed somewhere completely different.
Alex Guglielmino
Merged in a post:
Google Maps
Ben Hamey
Rob Wheeler
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