Please give us the option to disable Flow integration in Timepage
David Chartier
I get that Flow + Timepage is a big draw for a lot of people. But for me I just need a calendar app to create and organize events, not illustrations or all the other neat stuff people can do with Flow. I’d love to be able to tap the plus button to create a new event and it just creates a new event. Maybe this could be a preference to turn off Flow integration. I’d even settle for a hidden behavior, something like tap-and-hold on the Plus button to go straight to creating an event.
Alex Louden
Hey David,
If you go into Preferences -> Actions & Flow and turn off "Show Actions" and "Show Flow documents on days" then the plus button just creates an event directly. You can also drag/drop the plus button straight onto a day in the timeline to create an event on this day.
Does this work for you?
David Chartier
Alex Louden Wait.
> Preferences -> Actions & Flow and turn off "Show Actions" and "Show Flow documents on days"
Oh nice, this works!
> You can also drag/drop the plus button straight onto a day in the timeline to create an event on this day
WHAT! Oh that’s cool, thanks!
Alex Louden
Glad to hear it! ☺️