Upcoming Events / Actions iOS14 Homepage Widget
Frank T
Yes please, exactly this. The "today" widget already shows more than one event. But only for today. We need the same layout on the "upcoming" widget as well. Also it is already possible to edit timeperiod of the "upcoming" widget. So it only needs the UI to display more than one event.
Please, please, this would be soooo useful.
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Arnauld Robert de Beauchamp
Please a medium sized widget listing upcoming events and not just today
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Widget for TimePage that shows a list of numerous events instead of just “Today”.
Stine Vindfeldt Rasmussen
I’d really love it if the widget options for TimePage included a feature that displayed a list of the upcoming 5-10 events in the calendar with the date noted in the ledt margin. As of now the “Today” feature widget is kindda useless if you don’t have something scheduled for every single day of the week.
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Show events for tomorrow on widgets
Kevin Aguilar
The current widgets for Timepage only show events for today but if you have no events all that space is wasted. Showing upcoming events with their dates (ie; tomorrow, in 2 days, etc) would be a nice addition.
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“Up Next” widget
Andy P
Please add a widget that will show upcoming events that isn’t scheduled for today. It would be great to be able to view what I have scheduled for tomorrow while on my home screen
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Upcoming Events on Monthly Screen
This app is almost perfect except I’d love to be able to see all upcoming events for the week on the monthly calendar view instead of just what’s on the agenda for that day. Same with the widget; seeing the upcoming events for multiple days would be great.
Brian Loch
Please! Like this but better.
This would be a nice feature. It’s why I still use Apple calendar widget.
Bastian Becker
Alan: Same here!
Andrei Brebenel
I also second it
Mysore Srinivas
I second
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